Thursday, May 14, 2015

Final Study Guide

5 Themes of Geography
Region, human environment, location, movement, place.
3 Types of Maps
Political, Physical, Thematic.
Why are the Kunlun Mountains important to China?
The Yellow and Yangtze rivers flow out of them.
What is the approximate size of the Gobi Desert?
500,000 sq miles.
What are some of the important islands to the country?
Hainan and part of Hong Kong
Why are China's three river systems so important to the country?
Yellow, Yangtze, and West River are important because they provide transportation, irrigation and hydroelectric power. 
In which latitude and climate zones is most of China's productive agricultural land located?
Humid continental. 
What landforms make up the dry zones?
Deserts and steppes.
What two factors affect vegetation and temperature in the highland climate?
Elevation and latitude. 
What are some benefits of the Three Gorges Dam?
Control of flooding, generate electric power, and easier passageway for ships.
What are some drawbacks of the dam?
Between 1-2 million relocation of people, the contruction costed 26 billion dollars, and there are some environmental concerns. 
What are some of the ways in which the Japanese have adapted to living in a crowded space?
Rooms are separated by sliding screens, and people sleep on thin mattresses that are stored during the day. It is also common for a family of four to live in one room apartments.
Why did Shi Huangdi build a wall in northern China?
He built it to protect them from the Barbarians.
How was China governed in its early history?
It was ruled by dynasties. 
What are some achievements China made in its early history?
They built the great wall, and they began using paper and gunpowder. 
When did Europeans begin exploration of China?
During the 13th century.
How was Europe able to gain access to Chinese markets in the 19th century?
The Europeans forced China to sign a series of treaties taking advantage of their weak military and government. 
Which political group has held considerable power in China for the last 50 years?
The Communist Party.
What did the Communists party want for China's economy?
They wanted to modernize China by encouraging the growth of industry. 
At what point did China's economy begin to grow more rapidly?
The 1980's.
Where does most agriculture occur in China?
Southern and eastern basins.
Where does China get the resources that fuel the industrial economy?
The heart land of China. 
What item is especially popular as an export to the United States?
Name two important Chinese inventions.
Paper and gunpowder.
What are the predominant religions in China?
Confucianism and Taoism.
What is China's population?
1.34 billion.
What animal was especially important to the Mongols?
The horse.
What did Genghis Khan's name mean?
Supreme conqueror.
Who controlled Mongolia in the 18th and 19th century?
Which country has had the most influence and control in Taiwan?
How is Mongolia's current economy different from its historical practices?
Mongolia has shifted from primarily herding livestock to a market economy.
What is an economic tiger?
It is a nation that has rapid economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports. 
Why might foreign companies want to work with Taiwanese companies?
Because it is one of the most prosperous economies of the western pacific and it trades with many countries. 
What industry is most successful in Taiwan?
What traditional influences can be seen in daily life in Mongolia?
Herding from nomads and yurts. 
Do most Americans live in rural areas like people in Mongolia or urban areas like the people in Taiwan?
Urban like Taiwan. 
When did Little League become popular in Taiwan?
After WWII.
What bodies of water surround Korea?
Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. 
What natural features influenced the settlement of Korea?          
Bodies of water surrounding the nation (peninsula isolation) and mountains. 
What action have both Korean countries taken since World War II?
They both built up huge armies.
What significant event occurred in 2000?
Both countries held a summit meeting in which they declared the intentions of reuniting. They also marched together in the Olympics held by Sydney Australia. 
What type of economy did both North and South Korea have prior to the Korean War?
How are North and South Korea's economies different today?
North Korea has natural resources and raw materials and South Korea has a large industrial and technological based economy.
Which Korean country has a larger population?
Which country did Dennis Rodman visit?
North Korea.
From where did the original inhabitants of Japan mostly come?
The South Pacific, Siberia and Korea. 
For whom did the Yamato clan claim descent?
From the sun goddess. 
For whom did the samurai work?
Landowners and clan chiefs.
Where do most Japanese people live within Japan?
In urban cities.
Which island of Japan is considered the main island?
The main island is Honshu.
How is Japan able to manufacture many items for trade without natural resources?
They receive imports of natural resources needed to manufacture. 
How has Japan's economy recently changed?
Their economy began to slow down, companies scaled back and some went bankrupt.
Which city is an excellent example of traditional Japanese culture?
What do the Japanese believe is important in designing buildings?
Harmony between buildings and its natural surroundings. 
How does the Japanese school system compare with American education?
They have a shorter summer break that is just six weeks, and they have school six days a week. 
What are private college preparatory schools called in Japan?
What two problems are the Japanese attempting to address in the future?
Pollution and long work day/short vacations.
What are some examples of traditional Japanese culture?
Traditional drama called Noh, and Japanese artworks like scrolls, ink paintings and block-prints. 
How did the Western world influence Japan beginning in the 19th century? 
Since 1853 when Commodore Perry sailed his fleet into Tokyo Bay. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Chapter 29 Main Ideas Questions


The Ring of Fire

1. It is caused by the Ring of Fire.

2. They are unstable because of shifting plates.

3. Japan Red Cross and Asia Pacific Disaster Management Center.

Trade and Prosperity

4. Europe signed treaties that gave them some influence on the East.

5. East Asia used and shared theirs and other countries resources to help the industrial economy. When they did this they eventually began a global economy.

6. Debt and mismanagement.

Populations and the Quality of Life

7. The high demand for food and bad sanitization.

8. Family planing programs.

9. In the middle of the 20th century East Asia ranked among the least developed countries in the world.

10. They improved so much that their economy is better as well as their life expectancy.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Main Ideas


1. Communism, paper, print.

2. 60% of the population are self efficient.

3. The importance of order, education and hierarchy.

4. Mongolia's core is herding and managing livestock.

5. Taiwan is based on a strong manufacture industry.

6. It was because the north was controlled by the soviets and the south had help from the US.

7. Because South Korea is like Taiwan, successful and competitive.

8. Because their government began bringing japan into modern age.

9.  Kyoto is one of the only cuties that still has the same beauty and traditions that Japan had in ancient times.

10. Japan has their resources imported and then they use their resources for industrial use.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

1) Why did Shi Huangdi build a wall in northern China?
To close gaps between smaller walls.
2) How was China governed in its early history?
By dynasties 
3) What are some achievements China made in its early history?
The Qin dynasty gave China its name. 
4) When did Europeans begin exploration of China?
During the 13th century.
5) How was Europe able to gain access to Chinese markets in the 19th century?
when they sought power, the Chinese government and military was weak. 
6) Which political group has held considerable power in China for the last 50 years?
The Communist party, they came to power in 1949.
7) What did the Communist party want for China's economy?

They wanted to plan all economic activities. 
8) Where does China get the resources that fuel the industrial economy?
Rich soil. 
9) What item is especially popular as an export to the U.S.
Textiles (cloth)
10) Name two important Chinese inventions?
Gunpowder and paper. 
11) What are the predominant religions of China?
Confucianism and Taoism.
12) What is China's population?
1.34 billion.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Review Questions Section 1-2

1) How long is the Great Wall of China?
13,170.69 miles
2) Why was it built? And where does it run from and to?
It was built to keep invaders out from Mongolia. It runs from the Yellow Sea and the Gobi desert.
3) What are three natural barriers that have limited people's movement in East Asia?
High mountains, vast deserts, and cold climates.
4) How large is the Gobi Desert?
500,000 square miles.
5) List two plains in Northern China.
Manchurian, and North China Plain.
6) Name three rivers in China.
The Yellow, Yangtze, and West River.
7) Where does the Huang begin and end?
It starts in the Kulun Mountains and ends in the Yellow Sea.
8) How long is the Chang Jiang?
3,900 miles.
9) What is the southernmost of the three great river systems of China?
The West River.
10) What are the natural resources of China?
Water, natural gas, petroleum, crops, and coal.
11) Which countries in East Asia would need to import coal or oil?
China and Japan.
12) What effect might natural resources have had on the development of East Asia?
Because they are unevenly distributed only some of the countries had natural resources although the other countries do have mineral resources.
13) What is a typhoon and where does it occur?
A tropical storm that occurs in the western pacific.
14) What two words best describe the climates in the higher latitudes of East Asia?
Dry and cold.
15) Where are most deserts found in East Asia?
West central Asia.
16) Where are the tropical zones of East Asia found?
China's southern coast, the island of Hainan, and the southern tip of Taiwan.
17) What does typhoon mean in Chinese?  What other type of storm is a typhoon most like?
A tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans. A hurricane.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

1) What are the five sub-regions of Africa?
North, south, west, east and central Africa.
2) Why is East Africa known as the cradle of humanity?
Because of the large number of prehistoric human remains found in the region.
3) What were some early civilizations of East Africa?  What was their economy based on?
Aksum, Masai, and Kikuyu people. Farming.
4) What was the Berlin Conference?  Why - particularly - did it happen?
This conference regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period. It happened because Europeans did not want to fight over Africa. Only Liberia and Ethiopia remained free from European control.
5) How did colonization cause conflicts in East Africa after independence?
Colonial power did not prepare East African nations for independence.
6) Why are Liberia and Ethiopia important?
They were the only two countries that remained free from European rule.
7) What are some cash crops of East Africa?
Coffee, tea, and sugar.
8) What is East Africa's most critical health-care problem?
9) Name two ancient empires of North Africa? 
Carthage and The Nile River.
10) What practices did the world acquire from Ancient Egypt?
Farming, building and writing.
11) What North Africa countries have had the economies transformed by oil?
Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia.
12) What is Rai?
A kind of music developed in the 1920s by poor urban children.
13) Discuss the changing roles of women in North Africa?
Women in North Africa now have more independence and freedom then ever before.
14) Why is Goree Island important?
This island served as one of the busiest points for exporting slaves during the slave trade.
15) List three trading empires of West Africa?  What did the trade?
Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. Gold and salt.
16) What is a stateless society?  How has West Africa's traditional stateless societies caused problems after colonization?
A society in which people rely on family lineages to govern
17) What are some roadblocks to economic development in West Africa?
18) Discuss West African music.
West African music consists of jazz, blues and reggae and also had their origin in the west.
19) What is Bantu important?
Bantu produced a great diversity of cultures and also helped link continents.
20) What was Sao Tome established for?
It was a slave trade post started by the Europeans.
21) Who was King Leopold II?  Why was he important?
He was the king of Belgium. Because he controlled the Congo which led to the Berlin Conference.
22) What are the lasting effects of colonialism in Central Africa?
They destroyed the organizing principles of stateless societies.
23) What major problems does Central Africa have in education?
School shortages, low attendance rates and high number of languages.
24) Who ended the apartheid in South Africa?
Nelson Mandela.
25) How does modern Johannesburg reflect the problems created by the apartheid?
The separation of the town reflect the division problem.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Main Ideas

East Africa

1. It is located on the Red Sea and Indian Ocean making it an important trading center and contributed to it's expansion and power.

2. Almost 90% of the African continent came under the control of Europeans. Only Liberia and Ethiopia remained free. Africans lost their independence. They were treated as inferiors and were forced to work as slaves for long hours.

North Africa 

3. Because invaders from Asia brought their religion and culture.

4. They have changed from primarily house wives to having more freedoms and equal incomes compared to men.

West Africa

5. Their similarities were that they thrived because of locations on trade routes, trading salt and gold. Their differences were that Ghana was rich from traders taxes and Mali conquered Ghana brining back salt and gold trade.

6. Civil war, uneducated population, shortages of workers, and poor roads and transportation. 

Central Africa

7. Because the produced a great diversity of cultures but also liked various barts of the continent.

8. Some education problems include a shortage of trained teachers, high dropout rate and a shortage of secondary schools. 

Southern Africa

9. It helped them become a salt and gold trading area as well as diamond producers, this provided a richer population.

10. He fought for black rights and he became imprisoned, nations around the world pressured South Africa to let him be released.