Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Places and Terms

• Basins - The Chad basin can be found in the middle of Chad.
• Nile River - The Nile can be found in Egypt, Sudan, and Uganda.
• Rift Valleys - The rift valleys can be found in the eastern part of Africa.
• Mount Kilimanjaro - The Kilimanjaro can be found in the Ethiopian Highlands.
• Escarpment - The Escarpment can be found on the edge of the continent's plateau in Southern Africa.

Taking Notes

• In Africa there are rift valleys and lakes
• In Africa they have minerals, oil and commodities as there resources.

Main Ideas

a) Africa is called the "plateau continent" because it is one major plateau, location supercontinent of Pangaea.

b) Some of Africa's distinctive landforms are Lake Victoria, and Mount Kilimanjaro.

c) Africa's abundant resources haven't translated into economic wealth because they lack the industrial base and money to develop them.

Things I want to learn about Africa :

1. History of Lake Victoria

2. Uganda

3. Seychelles

4. Madagascar

5. The environment of South Africa

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