Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Study Questions

1) What percentage of water has the Aral Sea lost?
2) Why has this water been lost?
Because of evaporation.
3) What other environmental problems affect the area?
4) What would have to be done to keep the lake at its present level?
You would have to remove 9 of the 18 million acres that are now used for farming.
5) What did you learn about Lake Biakal from the video?
I learned that it contains pollution from cellulose plants.
6) In the city of Verkhoyansk what extreme temperatures have been recorded?
- 90 F in the winter and 94 F in the summer.
7) How did Russia's harsh winter help the country in the 1800s (and during WWII)?
It helped stop Napoleon and his army because no shelter.
8) What made the building of the Trans-Siberian Railroad an enormous undertaking?
It cover more than 5,700 miles and 70,000 workers moved 77 million cubic feet of the earth.
9) Research and find a major city in Siberia.  What is its population and major attractions? 
Novosibirsk has a population of 1,523,801 and it's major attractions are The Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, and the Novosibirsk Zoo. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

HOMEWORK: Answer the following review questions

1) List three important cities that are located in the Northern European Plain.
Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kiev. 
2) What percentage of the region's population lives in this plain?
3) What border do the Caucasus Mountains form? 
They border Russia and Transcaucasia.
4) What are the two largest lakes in Central Asia?
The Caspian and Aral seas.
5) How long is the Volga River?
About 2,300 miles.
6) Why is Lake Baikal important?
The deepest fresh lake water in the world, holds 20% of the worlds fresh water.
7) What are some of the resources that have been developed in Russia and the Republics?
Coil, iron ore, oil, natural gas, timber.
8) Why might extracting and transporting the region's resources be difficult?
Because of rugged terrain and harsh winter climates in Siberia.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Review Questions for Unit TEST

1) Why can Europe be called a peninsula of peninsulas?
Because is it is one major peninsula of Asia made of little peninsulas.
2) Where does the Danube flow?
Through the heart of Europe, west to east.
3) What is the most important plain in Europe?
The North European plain.
4) What resources does Europe have in abundance?
Coal and iron ore.
5) Why do the Irish burn peat?
It creates fuel for their lack of energy resources.
6) How are the landforms of Europe both an advantage and disadvantage?
It provides land for agriculture but also divides groups of people and makes for hard travel. An example would be the alps.
7) What is the North Atlantic Drift?
A current of warm water from the tropics, flow's near Europe's west coast.
8) What parts of Europe benefit from the Mediterranean climate?
From Spain to Greece.
9) Why do trees not grow in upper Scandinavia?
Because of permafrost.
10) What percentage of the Netherlands was once under the sea?
11) Why did Venice grow?
When invaders took shelter on inhospitable islands in a lagoon, it became a trading post.
12) What problems face Venice today?
Severe water pollution and sinking.
13) What actions have led to deforestation in Europe?
Trees cut down for fuel and support for venice and acid rain.
14) Why was Ancient Greece important?
The first democracy.
15) What are some of Rome's cultural legacies?
 religions, Latin languages, and government.
16) What were the crusades?
The battle to take the Holy Land from the Muslims.
17) How has Mediterranean Europe's economy changed since WWII.
It went from a mainly agricultural area to a industry dominant area.
18) Why are France and Germany the dominant countries of Western Europe?
Abundances of coil and resources lead to an early industrial revolution.
19) How did language differences develop in Western Europe?
The leading power in history changed from Germanic and Romantic languages.
20) Why was the Berlin Wall built?  When did it come down?
It was built to divide the Communist Germany from the non- Communist Germany. It came down in 1989, thanks to Ronald Reagan. 
21) List the four sub-region of Europe.  Be able to list the countries in each sub-region.
Mediterranean(Portugal, Spain, Andorra,Italy,Greece,Malta.) Eastern(Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg,Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria) Western(Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Romania, Albania, Bosnia) and Northern Europe(Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, United Kingdom.
22) What is the history of Northern Europe?
Vikings conquered places all over Europe.
23)  What country in Northern Europe chose not to join the EU?
24) Where did the industrial revolution start?
Great Britain.
25) Why has there been turmoil in Eastern Europe?
There is cultural division between ethnic groups.
26) What problems existed in the Eastern European economy under Communist rule?
Out dated technology, racism, and lack of trade because of communism.
27) How did the Reformation create new cultural divisions?
Catholics broke off from the church creating the protestant church.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

EU Check Up Questions

1) How do people in your country feel about EU membership?
They support their membership.
2) How might future expansion affect the economies of your country?
If Romania does in fact change their currency to the euro it could actually increase the worth, only if they expand.
3) What potential problems face nations who want to adopt the euro??
It could lead to possible salary slashes and tax raises like what happened in Greece in 2010.
4) What political or cultural issues might arise because of the EU expansion?
Expansion might create tension, for example if Albania a mainly Muslim country joins the EU there could be strife between them an Romania. As well as others of course. Also, some Eastern European countries have had little experience with democracy because of communist past.
5) What did you learn about other countries through their presentations (list two distinct and detailed things). 
1) I learned that even though the EU is meant to unite it still can divide, as we see throughout history.
2) I learned that the EU won't except a country until they basically get their stuff together, like crime, economy etc.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Review Questions

Review Questions

1) Where did the industrial Revolution begin and to where did it spread?
 It started in Britain because of iron ore and coal.
2) What are some characteristics of governments in Northern Europe?
It is a parliament, which is a representative lawmaking body. 
3) How did conquest influence the languages spoken in Northern Europe?
4) How did the industrial Revolution spur the growth of the British Empire?
It motivated Britain's empire building, and they were able to build stronger forces.
5) How did the Reformation affect Northern Europe?
It divided the German Protestants and The British Catholics.
6) Who are some important writers from Northern Europe?
William Shakespeare and William Wordsworth.
7) What Northern European country did not join the EU?  Why?
Norway, because of mixed feelings about the common currency.
8) What was the Magna Carta?  Why is it important? 
It had political ideas like trial by jury, and no taxation without representation. It is important because many countries now use these ideas today. 
9) What are the countries of Northern Europe? 
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.