Wednesday, February 18, 2015

EU Check Up Questions

1) How do people in your country feel about EU membership?
They support their membership.
2) How might future expansion affect the economies of your country?
If Romania does in fact change their currency to the euro it could actually increase the worth, only if they expand.
3) What potential problems face nations who want to adopt the euro??
It could lead to possible salary slashes and tax raises like what happened in Greece in 2010.
4) What political or cultural issues might arise because of the EU expansion?
Expansion might create tension, for example if Albania a mainly Muslim country joins the EU there could be strife between them an Romania. As well as others of course. Also, some Eastern European countries have had little experience with democracy because of communist past.
5) What did you learn about other countries through their presentations (list two distinct and detailed things). 
1) I learned that even though the EU is meant to unite it still can divide, as we see throughout history.
2) I learned that the EU won't except a country until they basically get their stuff together, like crime, economy etc.

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