Monday, February 2, 2015

Review Questions

Review Questions

1) Where did the industrial Revolution begin and to where did it spread?
 It started in Britain because of iron ore and coal.
2) What are some characteristics of governments in Northern Europe?
It is a parliament, which is a representative lawmaking body. 
3) How did conquest influence the languages spoken in Northern Europe?
4) How did the industrial Revolution spur the growth of the British Empire?
It motivated Britain's empire building, and they were able to build stronger forces.
5) How did the Reformation affect Northern Europe?
It divided the German Protestants and The British Catholics.
6) Who are some important writers from Northern Europe?
William Shakespeare and William Wordsworth.
7) What Northern European country did not join the EU?  Why?
Norway, because of mixed feelings about the common currency.
8) What was the Magna Carta?  Why is it important? 
It had political ideas like trial by jury, and no taxation without representation. It is important because many countries now use these ideas today. 
9) What are the countries of Northern Europe? 
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. 

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