Thursday, April 2, 2015

North Africa Questions

1) What form of government did ancient Egypt have?
  They had a Theocracy.
2) What practices did the ancient world acquire from Egypt?
 Farming, medicine, how they built their cities and their system of writing.
3) How did Muslims gain control of North Africa?
 Their armies swept into lower Egypt. 
4) What countries make up North Africa?
 Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan, and Tunisia.
5) How has North Africa's economic base evolved?
6) Why has the oil industry failed to benefit local workers?
 They gave high paying jobs to foreign workers. 
7) How are prices set for products sold at souks?
 The prices start out higher than they should be, so people have to have to bargain for lower prices.
8) How has rai music changed since its beginnings?
 It went from being a carefree music style for youth to being used to show resentment towards the French.
9) What was the traditional role for North African women?
 They were primarily house wives. 
10) What gains have Tunisian women made outside the home?
 They can have normal/equal paying jobs, they can divorce, and they can freely marry who they please.

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