Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chapter 13 section 2 review questions


1) What did you learn about EU countries in this section?

I learned about the diversity, conflict and reunion.
2) How do language and religion reflect the cultural division in Western Europe?
One example of language division is Rome to Charlemagne and one example of religion division is the Reformation. 
3) Which Western European leaders tried to unify Europe through conquest?
Otto von Bismarck.
4) In what way does Western Europe have a diverse economy?
It is diverse because its is strong in agriculture and tech.
5) What was the Reformation?
A period when many Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestants.
6) What was the Holocaust?
A program of mass murder of two-thirds of European Jews.
7) What was the Berlin Wall?
A wall that separated East and West Germany.
8) What are some characteristics of Modern Life in Western Europe?
Tourism, tech, and fashion.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 13 Section 2 Outline

Western Europe

I) A History Of Cultural Divisions

   • France and Germany are the dominant countries in Western Europe.
The French culture is strong in France and Monaco and the German culture is strong in Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein.

    A) Rome to Charlemagne
         1) The Roman Empire conquered the Celtic tribes in France by 50 B.C.
         2) French is one of the Romance languages evolved from Latin.
         3) In the late 700's, a German King, conquered most of the region.
         4) His empire fell apart after his death.
   B) The Reformation

        1) The Reformation is a religious movement during the Ranaissance.
        2) During the Renaissance scholars questioned their authority and the Catholic Church.
        3) in 1517 Martin Luther publish 95 statements that criticized the church practices.
        4) Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches.
        5) Hostility between the two led to religious wars that tore Europe apart.
        6) France is primarily Catholic and Germany is primarily Protestant.

II)  The Rise of Nation States

      • The period between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance is called the Middle Ages. Europeans slowly developed the nation-state.

      A) Nationalism
           1) Feudalism gradually developed in Europe after Rome fell.
           2) They exchanged military service for land to nobles.
           3) France was one of the first nation-states. 1st Kings held absolute power. in 1789 the people                    rebelled during the French Revolution.
           4) From 1600-1945wars frequently broke out among nation-states of Europe particularly in                        France and Austria and German states.
           5) Industrialism cause European nations to set up colonies elsewhere.
B) Modern Conflicts
           1) Competition for colonies led to World War I
           2) The harsh terms on Germany led to World War II
           3) During World War II the Nazis were led by Adolf Hitler
           4) The Nazis carried out the Holocaust ( mass murder of 2/3 of the European Jew population)
           5) After the war Germany was split in two. East, and West Germany.
           6) In 1989  East Germany opened the Berlin Wall
           7) In 1990 the two Germany's reunited into one country

III) Economics: Diversity and Luxury

       • Western Europe remains strong because it includes agriculture and manufacturing

        A) Agriculture to High-Tech
             1) Dairy farming and livestock are main agricultural income providers in Belgium France and                  Switzerland.
             2) Western Europe was a leader in in developing industry because it was plentiful in coal and                  iron ore.
             3) Electronics in a major part of the Netherlands.
             4) Germany produces scientific instruments as well as other electronics.
             5) France relies heavily on nuclear energy.
             6) Switzerland specializes in the industry of banking.

       B) Tourism and Luxury

            1) Tourism is a major part of the French, Swiss and Austrian countries because of the scenery,                climate and history.
            2) Western Europe exports luxury goods like German cars, Swiss watches ect.
            3) France is famous for it high fashion and gourmet foods.

IV) Great Music and Art

        A) Music

             1) Germany and Austria are famous for music.
             2)  Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart are composers from these two countries.

       B) Painting

            1) France and the Netherlands have had many important painters such as Monet, Rembrandt,                  Guaguin, Vermeer, and Eyck.

 V) Modern Life

     A) City Life
          1) Western Europe has good transportation, and offers many cultural attractions.
          2) Many Europeans live in small homes as do Americans.
          3) One thing that is different between Americans and Europeans is that Europeans get more                    vacation days.

     B) Recent Conflicts

          1) Every since the 1980's immigration has been a been a problem, because of an increasing                     number of "guest workers".
          2) Immigrants have received violence due to discrimination from angry Germans.
          3) Political leader Joerg Haider made controversial remarks defending the Nazis.
          4) Haider resigned because of fear of racial politics.

In this chapter we learn about the struggles, art, life, and diversity in Western Europe and how they have shaped it to where/how it is now. The Reformation is one of the most important events that happened in that region considering it section the French into mainly Christians and the Germans into mainly Protestant. Another Important event is The Berlin Wall being torn down uniting former Germany back into it's natural state after the war had past. Western Europe is home to many famous  artist and also has created many jobs for immigrants.

Three things I learned:
The Roman Empire conquered the Celtics in France in 50%, Competition for colonies led to World War I and Europeans have more vacation days compared to Americans.

In 1517, who published The 95 Statement that criticized the Catholic Church?

Martin Luther.




Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chapter 12 Main Ideas:

  Landforms and Resources

1. The mountain ranges of Europe effect the lives of their citizens through blockage and tough travels, and also through the blockage of wind.

2. The rivers in Europe are important because they split sections of land and are also a great provider for certain industries and travel.

3. The most important oil fields are located beneath the North Sea floor in 1959. Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Denmark all pump from this area.

  Climate and Vegetation

4. The westerlies affect the climate in Europe because it creates a marine west coast climate. Northern Spain, France, Germany and western Poland all have this climate.

5. The Mediterranean, because of hot, dry summers.

6. Only mosses and lichens grow in the northern region of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

  Human-Environment Interaction

7.The Dutch built the seaworks because they are used to control the sea's destruction impact on human life.

8. The people of the Netherlands changed their physical geography of their land through draining lakes creating ponders.

9. The pollutants found in the Venice Canals are industrial waste, sewage, and seawater.

10. Forests were chopped down in Europe because the Europeans needed the wood for fuel and building supplies.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Country : Scotland

Choose a country or place that you'd like to visit in Europe and

1) Discuss it's location, place, region.
 * The Atlantic Sea and border England, right above England, Scottish Gaelic region. 
2) Human-Environment interaction.
 * People have used the ocean for transportation with boats, ferries, or ships. People have used the environment to grow sheep very well, along with a variety of crops, especially barely, in which barely is a key ingredient in whiskey. People have also drilled for oil in the middle of the North Sea.
3) Find two photos of it.

4) Find one map that shows where it is located.

5) Find three interesting things about the country or place.
 1. My family is from there (the Veach clan), and we also have a castle. 
 2. Each family or clan has their own special tartan which they wear the fabric like a skirt call a kilt.
 3. Mary, Queen of Scotts brought the French cuisine to Scotland on a visit back home. (She was married to the Dauphin of France, Francis.) 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1) Why can Europe be called "a peninsula or peninsulas"?
Because most of the peninsulas in Europe are no longer than 300 miles from an ocean and sea.

2) What European islands are located in North Atlantic?  In the Mediterranean Sea?
Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland. 

3) How do mountains and uplands affect life in Europe?
they affect them by how they block winds and also various groups of people. It makes transportation hard but provides are for outdoor activities.

4) The Alps arc across what countries or places?
France, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland, Austria, and the Northern Balkan Peninsula. 

5) The Pyrenees are located where?
In between France and Spain.

6) Where does the Danube flow?
Through the Heart of Europe.

7) How are rivers used in Europe?

trade and travel.

8) What is the most important plain in Europe?
The Northern European Plain.

9) Why is it important?
Because it provides desirable agricultural land.

10) How are the landforms of Europe both an advantage and disadvantage?
Because they block travel and communication, but also provides jobs and resources.

11) How did natural resources help Europe to become industrialized?
Oil, coal, and natural gases all provide jobs, food and homes for people all over Europe.