Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chapter 12 Main Ideas:

  Landforms and Resources

1. The mountain ranges of Europe effect the lives of their citizens through blockage and tough travels, and also through the blockage of wind.

2. The rivers in Europe are important because they split sections of land and are also a great provider for certain industries and travel.

3. The most important oil fields are located beneath the North Sea floor in 1959. Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Denmark all pump from this area.

  Climate and Vegetation

4. The westerlies affect the climate in Europe because it creates a marine west coast climate. Northern Spain, France, Germany and western Poland all have this climate.

5. The Mediterranean, because of hot, dry summers.

6. Only mosses and lichens grow in the northern region of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

  Human-Environment Interaction

7.The Dutch built the seaworks because they are used to control the sea's destruction impact on human life.

8. The people of the Netherlands changed their physical geography of their land through draining lakes creating ponders.

9. The pollutants found in the Venice Canals are industrial waste, sewage, and seawater.

10. Forests were chopped down in Europe because the Europeans needed the wood for fuel and building supplies.

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