Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 13 Section 2 Outline

Western Europe

I) A History Of Cultural Divisions

   • France and Germany are the dominant countries in Western Europe.
The French culture is strong in France and Monaco and the German culture is strong in Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein.

    A) Rome to Charlemagne
         1) The Roman Empire conquered the Celtic tribes in France by 50 B.C.
         2) French is one of the Romance languages evolved from Latin.
         3) In the late 700's, a German King, conquered most of the region.
         4) His empire fell apart after his death.
   B) The Reformation

        1) The Reformation is a religious movement during the Ranaissance.
        2) During the Renaissance scholars questioned their authority and the Catholic Church.
        3) in 1517 Martin Luther publish 95 statements that criticized the church practices.
        4) Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches.
        5) Hostility between the two led to religious wars that tore Europe apart.
        6) France is primarily Catholic and Germany is primarily Protestant.

II)  The Rise of Nation States

      • The period between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance is called the Middle Ages. Europeans slowly developed the nation-state.

      A) Nationalism
           1) Feudalism gradually developed in Europe after Rome fell.
           2) They exchanged military service for land to nobles.
           3) France was one of the first nation-states. 1st Kings held absolute power. in 1789 the people                    rebelled during the French Revolution.
           4) From 1600-1945wars frequently broke out among nation-states of Europe particularly in                        France and Austria and German states.
           5) Industrialism cause European nations to set up colonies elsewhere.
B) Modern Conflicts
           1) Competition for colonies led to World War I
           2) The harsh terms on Germany led to World War II
           3) During World War II the Nazis were led by Adolf Hitler
           4) The Nazis carried out the Holocaust ( mass murder of 2/3 of the European Jew population)
           5) After the war Germany was split in two. East, and West Germany.
           6) In 1989  East Germany opened the Berlin Wall
           7) In 1990 the two Germany's reunited into one country

III) Economics: Diversity and Luxury

       • Western Europe remains strong because it includes agriculture and manufacturing

        A) Agriculture to High-Tech
             1) Dairy farming and livestock are main agricultural income providers in Belgium France and                  Switzerland.
             2) Western Europe was a leader in in developing industry because it was plentiful in coal and                  iron ore.
             3) Electronics in a major part of the Netherlands.
             4) Germany produces scientific instruments as well as other electronics.
             5) France relies heavily on nuclear energy.
             6) Switzerland specializes in the industry of banking.

       B) Tourism and Luxury

            1) Tourism is a major part of the French, Swiss and Austrian countries because of the scenery,                climate and history.
            2) Western Europe exports luxury goods like German cars, Swiss watches ect.
            3) France is famous for it high fashion and gourmet foods.

IV) Great Music and Art

        A) Music

             1) Germany and Austria are famous for music.
             2)  Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart are composers from these two countries.

       B) Painting

            1) France and the Netherlands have had many important painters such as Monet, Rembrandt,                  Guaguin, Vermeer, and Eyck.

 V) Modern Life

     A) City Life
          1) Western Europe has good transportation, and offers many cultural attractions.
          2) Many Europeans live in small homes as do Americans.
          3) One thing that is different between Americans and Europeans is that Europeans get more                    vacation days.

     B) Recent Conflicts

          1) Every since the 1980's immigration has been a been a problem, because of an increasing                     number of "guest workers".
          2) Immigrants have received violence due to discrimination from angry Germans.
          3) Political leader Joerg Haider made controversial remarks defending the Nazis.
          4) Haider resigned because of fear of racial politics.

In this chapter we learn about the struggles, art, life, and diversity in Western Europe and how they have shaped it to where/how it is now. The Reformation is one of the most important events that happened in that region considering it section the French into mainly Christians and the Germans into mainly Protestant. Another Important event is The Berlin Wall being torn down uniting former Germany back into it's natural state after the war had past. Western Europe is home to many famous  artist and also has created many jobs for immigrants.

Three things I learned:
The Roman Empire conquered the Celtics in France in 50%, Competition for colonies led to World War I and Europeans have more vacation days compared to Americans.

In 1517, who published The 95 Statement that criticized the Catholic Church?

Martin Luther.




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