Monday, January 19, 2015

Country : Scotland

Choose a country or place that you'd like to visit in Europe and

1) Discuss it's location, place, region.
 * The Atlantic Sea and border England, right above England, Scottish Gaelic region. 
2) Human-Environment interaction.
 * People have used the ocean for transportation with boats, ferries, or ships. People have used the environment to grow sheep very well, along with a variety of crops, especially barely, in which barely is a key ingredient in whiskey. People have also drilled for oil in the middle of the North Sea.
3) Find two photos of it.

4) Find one map that shows where it is located.

5) Find three interesting things about the country or place.
 1. My family is from there (the Veach clan), and we also have a castle. 
 2. Each family or clan has their own special tartan which they wear the fabric like a skirt call a kilt.
 3. Mary, Queen of Scotts brought the French cuisine to Scotland on a visit back home. (She was married to the Dauphin of France, Francis.) 


  1. Where is your castle? You have the relative location down, but you still need to think about PLACE and REGION.
